I can't tell you all how distressed I am to hear a report that legally-placed political yard signs are being removed from people's property without their permission.

While I hope that this is small children who don't know any better, I would also hope that an effort is being made to educate children on how important this right is to our community.

I hope that schools are discussing the importance of local elections, and on how political signs are an expression of the sign owner's right to free speech.

I hope that parents explain to their children that one of our central values as citizens is that people have the right to publicly express their beliefs, even though others might disagree with them.

I hope any parent finding that their child has stolen or moved a sign will make sure that the sign is replaced immediately. 

I desperately hope that this isn't adults who view theft as some part of a twisted effort to promote a particular campaign.  If you are removing campaign signs from someone else's property, please know that your actions are illegal.