Northwestern University’s athletic director, Derrick Gragg, is being assigned to a new role overseeing potential direct revenue sharing with student athletes.

The school Thursday announced that it’s looking for a new athletic director, but that Gragg will continue in the job until a successor is chosen.

As vice president for athletic strategy, the school says, Gragg “will focus on advising the president and athletic director about how Northwestern can be a leader” in navigating the new environment created by last month’s House v. NCAA settlement.”

Gragg was named athletic director three years ago and has faced an array of challenges headlined by the firing of football coach Pat Fitzgerald amid a hazing scandal.

“Derrick has been an asset to Northwestern over the last few years, and our athletics department has achieved some remarkable accomplishments under his leadership, both on and off the fields of competition,” NU President Michael Schill said in a statement.

“We are thrilled that Derrick will bring his vast expertise and institutional knowledge to this new role,” Schill added.

Gragg said, “I am looking forward to my new role amid this new era for college athletics.”

Bill Smith is the editor and publisher of Evanston Now.

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