A city committee recommended Tuesday night that Connections for the Homeless receive $1 million to begin rehab work on the Margarita Inn homeless shelter.

Connections CEO Betty Bogg told the Housing and Community Development Committee the nearly century-old former hotel has “massive issues” including accessibility problems for people with mobility limitations, safety concerns and systems and building control issues.

Betty Bogg.

It will require extensive rehabilitation, Bogg added, and the $1 million from the city won’t cover the full scope — but will provide a new roof, removal of an underground storage tank in the parking area behind the building and tuckpointing needed to ensure the integrity of the building through another winter.

Bogg says the organization is seeking another $5.5 million in grants from a variety of sources to fund other parts of the rehab project.

The agency’s purchase of the Margarita last fall was funded by a $7 million grant from Cook County.

The $1 million in grant funds from the city would be pass-through of federal funding received under the HOME American Rescue Plan program.

A city staff memo says 114 people were sheltered at the Margarita over the last 12 months. The building has a 65-bed capacity in its 43-units.

The committee also recommended approval of $150,000 in federal tenant based rental assistance funds for Connections that’s expected to subsidize housing costs for three to four households for up to 24 months.

The staff memo says that program is designed to help people “while they work toward securing adequate income to stabilize their housing situation permanently.”

Connections was the only organization that responded to a city request for applications for either of the programs.

The committee recommendations will next go to the City Council for final approval.

Bill Smith is the editor and publisher of Evanston Now.

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  1. “The $1 million in grant funds from the city would be pass-through of federal funding received under the HOME American Rescue Plan program.”

    Isn’t this another $1 million that could be used for other worthy causes in Evanston?

    Connections, Cook County, and Evanston’s Mayor and Council knew full well that the Margarita Inn was in horrible condition and requires substantial renovation. The building has faced numerous City code violations, and some safety related issues should have prevented Connections from housing 114 people over the past 12 months in that building.

    Shame on all involved in this entire debacle that is Connections running a homeless shelter in Margarita Inn for being so irresponsible and short-sighted. It makes one wonder how good they really are at helping those who truly need housing assistance?

  2. Reality check: AFAIK there are still lawsuits or pending/planned lawsuits by neighboring entities against the Margarita Inn, and these may take many months or even years to play out…

    “Bogg says the organization is seeking another $5.5 million in grants from a variety of sources to fund other parts of the rehab project…”

    Remember that Connections (which is a prime example of “The Homeless – Industrial Complex” at work) will be forever begging for more and more millions -“too much is never enough”, as the old saying goes…

    For all the millions Connections has received in grants for the Margarita, and also for the rehab of Hilda’s Place, they might have been able to purchase a better and more suitable building for a shelter – but of course, Betty Bogg insists that all these facilities be adjacent to downtown Evanston for “equity’s sake”. By any reasonable standard the Margarita Inn is a “luxury” homeless facility…

    I’ve worked in social services for years – including a short stint at Connections in 2022 – and of all the places that I’ve worked, IMO Connections is the most wasteful of monies of all the non – profits I’ve encountered. Even for a “homeless services” outfit, their spending metrics are “haphazard” and “open – ended”….

    Gregory Morrow – Evanston 4th Ward resident and Margarita Inn “neighbor”

    1. I couldn’t agree more. Connections paid more than market value for the Margarita, yet our tax dollars must be used to refurbish.

      1. nridgefarm wrote:

        “Connections paid more than market value for the Margarita, yet our tax dollars must be used to refurbish…”

        Yeah, for all that dough they could have bought and refurbished the Harley Clarke Mansion, lol…

        Gregory Morrow – Evanston 4th Ward resident

    2. One striking aspect of the Biss regime is its complete refusal to listen to the opinions and concerns of others. They skulk around city hall, trying as hard as they can to avoid openness and accountability. As RJ pointed out, people tried to tell Biss that the Margarita Inn wasn’t suitable, but he was in Bogg’s pocket (and besotted with his own so-called progressive agenda) and to hell with everyone else. Now we’re in
      for $6.5 million and counting for repairs and upgrades.

  3. Leave it to Evanston leadership to write checks that fund the drilling of more holes in our sinking ship.
    Ask the people living all along Oak Ave how safe they feel now that Bogg and her crew have moved in. Open drug sales. Harassment by occupants. Endless panhandling.
    By all means, Biss and crew, further underwrite this bad player.

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